Want to Clean Your Microwave Quickly? Use a Lemon

Putting your food into a stained and splattered microwave doesn’t seem that appetizing when heating up leftovers. While you can use various cleaning products to scrub yours down, you may want to go a more natural route — or maybe you just don’t want to have to head to the grocery store to pick up supplies. Instead, a lemon is all you need to have a fresh microwave in no time.

Why Use Lemon for Cleaning?

Lemons are a natural cleaning powerhouse, making them an ideal choice for this project — and a variety of other household needs. Their acidic properties effectively break down grease and grime, while their antibacterial qualities help eliminate nasty bacteria. Unlike chemical cleaners, lemons are safe in the kitchen and won’t leave any harsh residues behind. And who doesn’t love a lemony-fresh scent in the kitchen?

How to Clean Your Microwave With Lemon

You’re in luck. This method requires little prep and very little elbow grease. To clean your microwave this way, you’ll need a lemon, a sponge or rag, and a bowl of water.

Step 1: Cut and Squeeze

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze its juice into the microwave-safe bowl. Place the lemon halves in the bowl as well. Add about half a cup of water to the bowl, ensuring that the lemon halves are submerged. The purpose of this is to get the water saturated with the lemon’s natural antibacterial properties while also having enough water to produce steam, which loosens the grime from the inside of the microwave.

Step 2: Zap It

Place the bowl with the lemon solution inside the microwave. Set the microwave to 3-5 minutes and watch the magic happen. As the lemon-water solution heats up, it will produce steam that helps break down tough stains and spills. Allow the bowl to sit inside the microwave for an additional 2 minutes after the timer goes off, as the bowl of water will continue to produce steam, and you want the interior to be as damp as possible to make for easy scrubbing.

Step 3: Quick Wipe Down

Carefully remove the bowl from the microwave, which will be nearly at a boiling temperature. Take a clean sponge or cloth and wipe down the interior surfaces of the microwave, making sure to check those corners and the microwave roof where food tends to stick.

Step 4: Clean the Turntable

Remove the turntable and wash it separately with warm, soapy water. Rinse and dry it thoroughly before placing it back in the microwave. This ensures that every part of your microwave is thoroughly cleaned and ready for use.

How Often Should I Clean My Microwave?

Some people say you should clean your microwave every week, while others say about once a month or even twice a year. It depends on a few factors, including how often you are using your microwave and, as silly as it may seem, what you are cooking in there. If you are prone to using your microwave for saucy dishes or more odor-causing foods like fish, perhaps once a week may be right for you. But if you’re the kind who may just like the occasional bag of popcorn or to warm up your coffee, a week will most definitely be overkill. A good rule of thumb is that if you see or smell anything when you open your microwave door, it’s probably a good time to give it a scrub-down.

Rachel GreshWriter

Rachel Gresh is a Washington, D.C.-based freelance writer. When she’s not writing, you can find her wandering a museum, exploring an unfamiliar city, or baking something new in the kitchen.

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