Author Archives: AnnJonesRealty

Mastering Your Garbage Disposal: What to Toss, What to Skip, and How to Keep It Fresh

Did you know that over 50% of U.S. households own a garbage disposal? These handy under-the-counter devices became a kitchen essential after WWII, revolutionizing kitchen cleanup. However, the misconception that anything can go down them can lead to problems. Here’s a quick guide to what’s disposal-friendly and what’s not.

Man throwing away leftovers into the Garbage Disposal for cleaning

What Goes In:

Leftovers, fruit peels, non-fibrous vegetable skins, corn cobs, cooked meats, small fish bones.
Ice is encouraged to help loosen food residue.

Discarded banana peel on a kitchen counter ready for garbage disposal

What to Avoid:

Large bones, clam, and oyster shells: Hard materials that risk clogging or breaking the disposal.
Oils, fats, cooking grease: Despite being liquid initially, they can congeal and cause clogs.
Creamy and sticky foods: Peanut butter, butter, ice cream, sauces, pasta, rice—avoid to prevent issues.
Stringy produce: Artichokes, string beans, banana peels can cause significant clogs.
Eggshells and coffee grounds: Slow to decompose, these can clog the drain.

Tips for Cleaning:

Ice, baking soda, and lemon: Grind 2 cups of ice, 1 tbsp baking soda, and a lemon slice with cold water for a fresh-smelling disposal.
Lemon wedges: Feed lemon wedges into the disposal under cold water for a refreshing scent.
Baking soda and vinegar: Pour 1/2 cup baking soda and 1 cup vinegar, let it sit for 10 minutes, then run hot water to wash away residue.

Fresh cut lemon on a cutting board used for cleaning

Maintaining a healthy garbage disposal involves thoughtful disposal choices and regular cleaning. Follow these tips for a trouble-free and fresh-smelling kitchen cleanup experience.

Newly renovated kitchen in a modern home with garbage disposal

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How Much of a Down Payment Will You Need to Buy a House?

Down Payment Calculator Services in Brown County, TX

Down Payment Calculator Services in Brown County, TX

Expert Down Payment Assistance

At Ann Jones Real Estate, we understand that the down payment is a crucial aspect of the home-buying process, and we’re here to help you navigate it easily. With our down payment calculator services, you can easily estimate the amount you need to save based on the purchase price, desired down payment percentage, and other relevant factors. Our user-friendly calculator lets you plan your finances effectively and set realistic goals. Take control of your homeownership journey today by utilizing our down payment calculator services in Brown County, TX. Contact Ann Jones Real Estate and discover how we can assist you in achieving your dream of owning a home.

What Is a Down Payment and How Does It Work?

A down payment is made upfront by a homebuyer when purchasing a property. It represents a percentage of the total purchase price, with the average down payment on a house typically ranging from 3% to 20% or more, depending on the lender’s requirements and the buyer’s financial circumstances. The down payment serves as a form of initial equity in the property and reduces the amount of money that needs to be borrowed through a mortgage. It is an essential component of the home-buying process as it demonstrates the buyer’s financial capability and commitment to the purchase.

Why Is a Bigger Down Payment Better?

According to the experienced team at Ann Jones Real Estate, a bigger down payment is advantageous for several reasons. Firstly, it reduces the loan amount needed to purchase a property, resulting in lower monthly mortgage payments. With a smaller loan, borrowers may also qualify for more favorable interest rates, potentially saving thousands of dollars over the life of the loan. Additionally, a larger down payment can help borrowers avoid private mortgage insurance (PMI) requirements, which can be a significant expense. Moreover, a substantial down payment increases equity in the property from the outset, providing a greater sense of ownership and financial stability. A bigger down payment empowers homebuyers with greater financial flexibility, lower monthly expenses, and potential long-term savings.

Loan-to-Value Ratio

The loan-to-value (LTV) ratio is a financial metric used to assess the relationship between the loan amount and the appraised value of a property. It is calculated by dividing the loan amount by the property’s appraised value and is typically expressed as a percentage. The LTV ratio is important for lenders as it helps determine the level of risk associated with a mortgage loan. A lower LTV ratio indicates a lower loan amount relative to the property value, which is generally considered less risky for lenders. A higher LTV ratio, on the other hand, suggests a higher loan amount relative to the property value, potentially posing more risk. Lenders often set maximum LTV ratios for different types of loans, with lower ratios typically associated with more favorable terms and potentially avoiding the need for private mortgage insurance (PMI).

Why Choose Ann Jones Real Estate

Embarking on your homeownership journey in Brown County, TX comes with its fair share of questions and concerns, especially regarding down payments. At Ann Jones Real Estate, we understand the importance of providing clarity and peace of mind during this pivotal time. That’s why we offer our cutting-edge down payment calculator services. Our innovative tool considers various factors such as the purchase price, desired down payment percentage, and other essential variables to accurately estimate how much the down payment on your house will be. This empowering resource lets you plan your finances effectively and make confident decisions. Ready to take the next step towards homeownership? Contact Ann Jones Real Estate and let us guide you through the process with our down payment calculator services. Your dream home is within reach, and we’re here to help you make it a reality.

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7 Simple Ways to Make Your Home Cozier This Winter

Home getting ready for winter with insulation

The weather outside might be frightful, but your home doesn’t have to be. There are many ways to make your home toasty and snug besides turning up the heat. Thick blankets and roaring fires can quickly transform any room into the perfect place to wait out the chilly winter days, while playing with lighting and texture might help make your home feel like an even cozier place to spend time.

Throw Blankets

Throw blankets are both decorative and practical for making a room feel warmer. Consider earthy tones like dark brown or muted shades of orange to add a pop of color to your sofa and serve as a sharp contrast to winter’s pale blues and whites. There’s also nothing quite as comforting as grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around your body to create a warm, snug cocoon.

Soft Lighting

Bright lights can feel stressful and sterile. Swap out fluorescent bulbs for softer and warmer tones, often denoted by a Kelvin rating lower than 4,000. If changing your bulbs isn’t possible, consider light-diffusing lamp shades to help spread light around the room and prevent harsh, direct lighting. 

Heavy Drapes

As temperatures drop, change out thinner drapes that let in light during the summertime for thicker drapes. Not only are they decorative, but thick drapes also retain heat and help prevent cold air from coming in through the windows.

Dog relaxing on a cozy area rug near fireplace

Area Rugs

It doesn’t matter if your floor is made of wood, marble, or any other material — it will feel freezing against your bare feet in the winter. Heated floors are luxuriously expensive, so a plush area rug is the next best way to combat a cold floor. Scatter rugs around the house to make those cold mornings more bearable.

Roaring Flames

Nothing beats the cold like a roaring fireplace, but not everyone has that luxury. For tinier spaces, consider a small tabletop fire pit for both indoor and outdoor spaces. Candles are a great alternative and have the bonus of adding fragrance to your home — including winter favorites like spice and pine.

Wall Tapestries

Bare walls are just blank canvases for adding some warmth to any room, and one of the best ways to do so is by hanging tapestries. Online markets like Etsy offer various tapestries depicting warm images ranging from sunrises to lush forests and can help you visualize those warm summer days ahead.

Baked Goods

Nothing warms up a home quite like fresh-baked goods, from the heat of the oven to the smell of fresh cookies. Whether you’re baking them by yourself or enlisting the help of a local bakery, setting out treats on the counter is a delightful — and delicious — way to warm both the heart and hearth.

All featured products and deals are selected independently and objectively by the author. Better Report may receive a share of sales via affiliate links in content.

Featured Image Credit: svetikd/ iStock

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Email Scams 101: How to help protect yourself and your assets

Email scams are on the rise and have increased 111% from 2018 to 2022, with losses totaling over $2.7 billion in 2022, according to the FBI Internet Crimes Report.

Using social engineering, email scammers gain the trust of a targeted person with the goal of getting them to send funds to a different person or entity than originally intended. Here are some things to know about email scams, so you can help protect yourself and your assets.

How they target you

Scammers typically interject themselves into your normal transactions to change the destination of the funds.

Common occurrences include:

  1. Real estate closings: Scammers will impersonate the identity of the title/real estate agent, or closing attorney, and send different payment details.
  2. Vendor impersonation: They can also pose as representatives of a company or government agency and advise that an invoice must be paid immediately to avoid a negative consequence. They often ask for a wire transfer to a fraudulent bank account or other means of payment, such as a check or ACH transfer.
  3. CEO/executive impersonation: Scammers will also impersonate the CEO or executive of a company. They request that an employee within the accounting or finance department transfer funds to an attacker-controlled account

What to know and do

Knowing what to do and what to look for is critical to avoid becoming a victim of an email scam.

Account changes: Always verify and confirm details with the parties involved, especially with messages regarding funds transfers. Some email scammers use hacked email accounts, so it’s important to use a different method to verify that the sender is not a scammer. You can call or text an associated phone number or interact on a trusted mobile app or chat channel.

Email sender validation: Scammers can also use fraudulent email addresses that closely resemble a legitimate email address that you may have been communicating with previously. The addition or removal of a single character in an email address may be difficult to spot at first glance:

  • Go‍og‍le‍.‍co‍m vs. Google.corn‍:‍ In this case, the scammer replaced .com with .corn, with the letters “r” and “n” replacing the letter “m”
  • JONDOE@BUSINESS vs. JON.D0E ‌@‌ BUSlNESS‍: For this example, the scammer used a zero instead of a capital O, and added a period in between “JON” and “D0E”. They also used a lowercase “L” in place of the capital “i”

Urgent or priority emails: Emails may contain a header in the subject line or phrases in the content of the email, such as “urgent” or “confidential.” If you receive an email marked urgent or confidential, please review it carefully for accuracy and reach out directly to the individual to validate the request.

Bookmark our new site,, and visit often for the latest updates on common scams and how to spot them.

Remember: When in doubt, do not act.

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Mount Rushmore

Mount Rushmore is one of the United States’ most recognizable landmarks, but it contains a hidden secret: a 70-foot-long tunnel located behind Abraham Lincoln’s head. The tunnel was created as the entrance to a Hall of Records conceived by sculptor Gutzon Borglum. The idea was to build a chamber inside the monument that housed important documents such as the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, which would be accessible by an 800-foot granite stairway that stretched up the mountain from Borglum’s studio to the chamber. Work began on the Hall of Records in July 1938 as crews constructed the 70-foot tunnel. However, in 1939, Congress halted work on the chamber and instructed Borglum to focus on carving the Presidents’ heads instead. Borglum died two years later in 1941, effectively putting an end to the side project and leaving the Hall of Records unfinished.

Almost 60 years later, the Mount Rushmore National Memorial Society brought part of Borglum’s vision to life, installing a box at the chamber’s entrance containing 16 porcelain enamel panels. The panels explain the story of the United States and include biographies of the Presidents featured on Mount Rushmore. They were sealed beneath 1,200 pounds of granite capstone as an homage to Borglum’s initial vision.

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A Morning Ritual

Eat the Frog

According to a famous quote attributed to (but probably not actually spoken by) Mark Twain, “If the first thing you do each morning is to eat a live frog, you can go through the day with the satisfaction of knowing that that is probably the worst thing that is going to happen to you all day long.” Put in simpler (and less gross) terms, get your most difficult task out of the way as early as possible so that it doesn’t hang over your head all day and you know, even on an off day, that you accomplished something. What that task is up to you — if you work from home and are prone to being sedentary, maybe it simply means working out shortly after waking up rather than waiting until the evening. The truly important thing is to start your day with a feeling of accomplishment rather than procrastinating for as long as possible.  “Wishing you a bless productive Day”

The last sentence I added.


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Get Gas in the Morning or at Night

When you head to the gas station does indeed make a difference. Filling up your tank early in the morning or late at night can save you some money over time, but not because prices are lower at different times of day — it’s because of temperature. Gas expands when heated, meaning filling up in the middle of the day, when the temperatures tend to be highest, could result in paying more for less gasoline. 

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The microwave was invented by accident.

Did you know?

The microwave was invented by accident.

During World War II, Allied forces gained a significant tactical advantage by deploying the world’s first true radar system. The success of this system increased research into microwaves and the magnetrons (a type of electron tube) that generate them. One day around 1946, Percy Spencer, an engineer at the aerospace and defense company Raytheon, stepped in front of an active radar set and noticed, to his surprise, that microwaves produced from the radar melted a candy bar in his pocket. After getting over his shock — and presumably cleaning up — Spencer conducted a few more experiments using eggs and popcorn kernels, and realized that microwaves could be used to cook a variety of foods. Raytheon patented the invention a short time later, and in 1947, the company released its first microwave.

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First-Time Home Buyer Loan Programs in Texas

First-Time Home Buyer Loans in Texas: Programs and Requirements

First-Time Home Buyer Loans in Texas: Programs and Requirements

So, you’ve decided to purchase your first home. Congratulations! Now, you likely have a lot of questions. The biggest questions out there are about first-time buyer home loans. There are many programs designed to assist first-time buyers in their home purchases, but where do you begin? What exactly is required to qualify for these first-time buyer programs? The realtors at Ann Jones Real Estate can help you sort through the loans, programs, and qualifications. Here’s an idea of what you might need to know to get started.

First-Time Home Buyer Loan Programs in Texas
Navigate with ease through the complex world of first-time home buyer loans in Texas. Trust Ann Jones Real Estate, Brownwood, TX, for expert guidance and support.

First-Time Home Buyer Programs in Texas

If you live in Brownwood, Texas, or the surrounding area, you need to know what programs are available in Texas. You’re in luck. There are programs for you.

Texas has basically six different FTHB (first-time home buyer) programs specific to the state. Here is a list of those programs.

  1. My First Texas Home

This loan is specifically for first-time home buyers. Applying for this loan is simple and some of the features include

  • Low downpayment requirements of 2-5%
  • 3-year forgivable second loans
  • 30-year second loans at 0% interest rate
  • Downpayment assistance with a mortgage credit certificate
  • My Choice Texas Home

This loan is available throughout the state of Texas. Some of the features include

  • No FTHB restrictions
  • Assistance with down payment and closing costs
  • Higher income limits than the My First Texas Home program
  • Home Sweet Texas

This loan has a little different flavor. You choose a lender, and the lender has to be approved for the TSAHC DPA programs.

  • Home for Texas Heroes

This loan is for teachers, firefighters, police officers, veterans, corrections officers, EMS, and nurses.

  • Texas Bootstrap Loans

This loan is designed to assist Texans with building their own homes. Some features include

  • 0% fixed rate 30-year loan (limited to $45000)
  • Works best for people who are interested in doing their own building
  • Texas Mortgage Credit Certificate

This is a tax credit program. It allows Texans to receive credit toward their mortgage payments up to $2000/year.

Requirements for First-Time Home Buyers in Texas

For the My First Texas Home Loan, the home buyers must be first-time homebuyers or not have owned a home in the past three years. You must also have a credit score of 620 minimum and meet the income requirement. The property value must also meet the requirements of the program and you’ll need to work with an approved mortgage lender.

The qualifications for the My Choice Texas Home Loan also include a credit score of at least 620, you must meet income limits, your home must meet the loan requirements and you must work with an approved lender.

In order to qualify for the Home Sweet Texas Loan, you must meet the following criteria. A FICO score of 620 for VA, FHA, or USDA or a credit score of 640 for a conventional loan is required for this loan. Approval from an approved lender and income limits are also required. In addition, this loan requires the completion of a homebuyer education course by one or both of the borrowers.

The Home for Texas Heroes is a wonderful program that basically just requires the borrower to have one of the qualifying professions to be approved for the loan.

The Texas Bootstrap Loan is a great loan for those who wish to do much of the work on their property, with that really being the one major requirement. The home buyer must be doing at least 65% of the work and must fall below 60% of the median income level.

The qualifications for the Texas Mortgage Credit Certificate include being a first-time home buyer or showing proof of not having owned a home in the past three years.

Nationwide First-Time Home Buyer Loans

The three types of nationwide first-time home buyer loans and their features and requirements are

  • VA loans-must be members of the military or their family members. These loans are for the full value of the home and require no downpayment. However, there is usually a fee that can be substantial depending on the size of the loan
  • FHA loans require a credit score of 580 or higher, this loan is provided through the federal government and requires only a down payment of 3.5%. This kind of loan is ideal for those who don’t have much of a down payment.
  • USDA loans-this unique loan is designed to help home buyers moving to rural areas. The income level of applicants cannot exceed 115% of the median income of the area, but if you qualify, it covers 100% of the home loan, meaning no downpayment is required.

Conclusion and CTA

With so many first-time home buyer loan options in Texas, there’s no time like the present to apply and begin looking for that first home. If you aren’t in Texas, there are many options on the national level that the federal government offers. If you have saved for a downpayment that is a wonderful benefit, but there are still many zero downpayment options available.

Ann Jones Realty

The best option when looking for that perfect first-time home buyer benefit is to contact someone who can help you navigate your options. If you are in the Brownwood, Texas area and looking to buy, sell, or rent look to the team at Ann Jones Real Estate. We are ready to assist you in all your realty needs. Helping with locating a property, creating a friendly environment, finding financing options, or selling, Ann Jones and her team are willing to help. They believe that the clients are their purpose and therefore they deserve quality service. If you are interested in learning more, visit the website or contact Ann Jones Real Estate at (325) 646-1500.

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What Does a Tiny House Cost? Prices, Hidden Costs, and Other Factors to Consider

What Does a Tiny House Cost? Prices, Hidden Costs, and Other Factors to Consider

What Does a Tiny House Cost? Prices, Hidden Costs, and Other Factors to Consider

The world of tiny houses can be very exciting! As our society moves more toward simplifying our lives and minimizing our carbon footprint, the idea of owning a tiny house can be very appealing. After all, tiny houses are much more affordable to build, and the energy bills are much lower than a large home. Imagine a home that requires minimal maintenance because of its size. But are there hidden costs associated with these ‘tiny houses’? What does owning a tiny house entail exactly? Let’s look at the pros and cons of having a tiny house and help you avoid spending more than you need to on a tiny house.

What Does a Tiny House Cost? Prices, Hidden Costs, and Other Factors to Consider
Explore the true cost of tiny houses with Ann Jones Real Estate. From hidden expenses to pricing factors, get the complete guide for your tiny home journey.

What is a Tiny House?

Any house that is 400 square feet or less qualifies as a tiny house. A tiny house will usually include a living room, kitchen, bathroom, and a bed. The bed is usually full-sized or queen-sized. Obviously, these homes are much smaller than a regular house.

How Much Does It Cost to Build a Tiny House?

A tiny house could cost as little as $25,000 or as much as about $180,000 depending on it’s features. A tiny house that is on the low-cost end might be missing a few amenities. With the cost of a regular house being about $280,000 to build you are obviously saving money by building a tiny house. Due to the fact tiny houses cost so much less than regular houses, many people use the opportunity (and extra savings) to get high-end finishes in their homes, such as granite countertops, home cameras or security systems.

Tiny House Prices: What Do You Get for What You Pay?

For the price of a lower-end tiny house, such as a $10,000 or $20,000 house, you may get very few amenities. Some tiny houses don’t have bathrooms. In some states, this could present a problem so it’s best to check the state’s building codes before you commit any capital. There is a wide range of “what you pay and what you get” when it comes to building a tiny house and much of this has to do with what amenities you will choose as well as what building materials used to construct the tiny house.

The Hidden Costs of Tiny Homes

We spoke briefly about checking the various city, state and federal codes before building. There are many other costs associated with tiny homes that people fail to consider. Here are ten hidden costs of buying a tiny home.

  1. Zoning Laws
  2. Some people have the idea that they will build their tiny home on the property of a friend or family member. However, this is against zoning laws. This is just an example of one of the many zoning laws you may run into when building your tiny home. One good idea is to hire a property surveyor. This is someone who can help you figure out if the property on which you chose to build is the right one for you. They can also help you with the zoning laws in your area about what kinds of features you can have on your tiny house. A property surveyor will usually charge several hundred dollars. Suburban communities usually have very strict zoning laws, so it’s important to have sound advice and cover all your bases legally.
  • The Cost of Building Materials
    • Over the past few years, the cost of building materials has gone up substantially. This is due to the pandemic and due to the ebb and flow of building projects during that time, there was a breakdown in the supply chain. Inflation has also caused this price increase. The building materials alone could cost tens of thousands of dollars which could double or even triple the cost of your tiny home.
  • The Cost of Land
    • Speaking of inflation, the cost of land has also increased substantially. It could add to the price of your tiny house even more than you expect. Meeting with a realtor to purchase the most affordable land you will help you reduce costs.
  • The Cost of Towing the Home (if applicable)
    • Sometimes, people prefer a mobile tiny home instead of a stationary tiny home. This home will have to be towed and you will need to afford the appropriate towing vehicle.
  • Utilities
    • Consider living in a tiny home to be living “off the grid.” However, you will still need to pay for electricity, water, and gas. It is important to consider that these will still factor in. The upside is that with a much smaller home, there is less space to heat or cool. Solar panels can be an option, but they can also be quite expensive.
  • Loan Costs
    • Lenders will turn down loans for tiny homes due to the cost of the home being so low. If you can’t qualify for the mortgage, you may have to apply for a personal loan which can be much more expensive.
  • The Adjustments
    • Going from a few thousand square feet to several hundred square feet can be quite an adjustment. It can be a shock to realize that you may need all new appliances. The expense of this can really add up as you obtain appliances that are made specifically to fit tiny houses.
  • Storage
    • Most people can’t fit everything they own into a tiny home. They will have to rent a storage unit to store everything they own that doesn’t fit into a tiny home. The expense of this can escalate quickly, depending on how large your storage unit needs to be.
  • Resale Value
    • Tiny homes can be hard to resell. While traditional homes appreciate value, tiny homes frequently do not. Part of the reason is that very few people want to buy tiny homes. The number is much smaller than the number of people who want to buy traditional homes.
  1. Tiny Home Insurance
    1. Even though tiny homes are small, you will likely still need to have homeowners insurance. If you have a loan, your lender will likely require you to have homeowners insurance.

Is a Tiny House the Solution for me and my Family?

A tiny house is a decision that is a very personal one. The first recommendation is, of course, to discuss the idea of life in a tiny house with your own family. If you are looking for a way to decide whether a tiny house could be for you, you may want to weigh the pros and cons. If you are looking to downsize, want fewer houses to maintain, and have a property where a tiny house is permitted, building one might be for you. However, if you are nervous about the expenses that may accrue during the process, the necessary space for a family (3 or more individuals), or the potential hurdles with financing, a tiny home may not be the right choice.


Don’t let the hidden costs associated with a tiny house use up all your resources. It may be a better choice to just use your financial resources to make a nice down payment on a traditional home. Either way, we’re here to help!

Ann Jones Realty

Have questions about whether you not to build or buy a tiny home? Why not ask a realtor? In the Brownwood, Texas area, the clear choice is Ann Jones Real Estate. If you’re in the Brownwood area and looking to buy, sell, or rent look to the team at Ann Jones Real Estate. We are ready to assist you in all your realty needs. Helping with locating a property, creating a friendly environment, finding financing options, or selling, Ann Jones and her team are willing to help. They believe that the clients are their purpose and therefore they deserve quality service. If you are interested in learning more, visit the website or contact Ann Jones Real Estate at (325) 646-1500.

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